Field service tester for commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting of E1 PCM 2Mbit/s and V.11/RS-442,V.24/RS-232, V.35, V.36/RS-449, EIA-530 data circuits
operating at 50bit/s to 2Mbit/s. Complete with all software options.Provides framed & unframed monitoring; Framed & unframed end-to-end testing; Drop &insert; Channel associated signaling monitoring; Error & aIarm analysis; S bit, NFAS & NMFAS monitoring & generation; Round trip delay measurement (E1 & V. interfaces);
G.821, G.826 & M.2100 quality of service measurements; Signal level measurement; Pulse shape analysis; Jitter; Large frequency offset; All ones/All zeros; Noise measurement; Primary multiplexer testing; X.50, HCM & V.110 sub-rate circuit testing; Status monitoring of V. interface control & signaling lines; V.24 async modem testing; Frame Relay circuit turn-up; GSM. Built-in test interfaces – G.703 (balanced & unbalanced) Tx/Rx, V.11/RS-442, V.24/RS-232. Test interfaces via cable adapters – V.35, V.36/RS-449, EIA-530.
Fiber Ek Cihazı, Kaynak Makinası, OTDR, Optik Powermetre, Optik light source, Data kablo test cihazı, internet kablosu testi, ADSL VDSL Testi, E1 PRI Testi GelecekBT'de
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